Memorial Mapping
Welcome to Memorial Mapping, a digital scholarship venture dedicated to geographically locating memorials around the world to learn about historical memory in an increasingly transnational world. By using Memorial Mapping, teachers and students can explore what, how, and why people make memorials in order to better understand their priorities, values, and identities. Critically thinking about memorials helps us to more accurately remember the past, to develop a more nuanced understanding of the present, and to move into the future as more informed global citizens.
Memorial Mapping: Transnational 9/11 Memorials
In particular, this pilot project, "Memorial Mapping: Transnational 9/11 Memorials," focuses on the numerous 9/11 memorials built outside of the United States. In all, citizens from 92 different countries were killed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Accordingly, the global circulation of 9/11 memorials is unusual, as permanent commemorations of the tragedies of particular nations are typically confined to those nations. "Memorial Mapping: Transnational 9/11 Memorials" provides an interactive map and geographic database of these memorials’ locations, styles, subjects, dedication histories, and audiences. It is intended as an online digital archive available to all that coordinates data and considers the cultural and political determinants motivating such memorials. Read more
Countries With 9/11 Memorials
map courtesy of mapchart.net
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