Bermuda 9/11 Memorial

Location: Camden, Paget Parish, Bermuda
Dedication Date: September 11, 2007
Creator: Designed by anonymous artists at the Bermuda College. Commissioned by U.S. Consulate General in Hamilton, Bermuda; WTC fragment provided by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a part-time Bermuda resident
Medium: Stone, metal (WTC fragment)
Description: Stone sculpture of Twin Towers with cross on pentagonal base, dedicated by U.S. Consulate General in Bermuda, honors "victims and heroes of 9/11."
Plaque 1:
“We, the people of Bermuda, the United States, and the United Kingdom, do hereby honor the victims and heroes of the 9/11 tragedy and pray that their names will never be forgotten and that their sacrifices might always be remembered.
By this Memorial, we hereby…*eternal bonds that link our lands together…of love and sacrifice, honor and…democracy and civilisation. May these…grow stronger over the decades and centuries to come, whatever our differences of the day might be.
‘Blessed are the peace makers, for they shall be called children of God” Jesus
Dedicated this 11th day of September 2007 by the United States Consul General to Bermuda, Gregory W. Slayton, and his wife, Marina I. Slayton.”
* “…” used where text is illegible in available photographs
Plaque 2:
“We would like to thank the Honorable Mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, for providing an actual piece of the Twin Towers for this Memorial. The piece appears diamond shaped in the center of the cross.
We would also like to thank the men and women of the Bermuda College who built this memorial with special love and care.
We also thank AON Corporation for their partnership in the construction of this Memorial.
And we thank the Government of Bermuda for making this beautiful location available.
Finally, we thank God for all those who work and pray for peace in this world.
Marina and Gregory Slayton.”
Latitude & Longitude: 32.291621, -64.764862