Moncalvillo Memorial to Edelmiro Abad Elvira

Location: Moncalvillo de la Sierra, Burgos, Spain
Dedication Date: September 11, 2002
Creator: Commissioned by Town of Moncalvillo
Medium: Stone
Description: Stone replica of the Twin Towers on hilltop in small Spanish town of Moncalvillo honors Edelmiro Abad Elvira, who was born in the town and died in the attack on the World Trade Center.
"El Pueblo de Moncalvillo
A la memoria de
Edelmiro Abad Elvira
Muerto en el Atentado de
Nueva York El 11-IX-2001
A todas las victimas del terrorismo
Moncalvillo 11-VIII-2002"
Latitude & Longitude: 41.953303, -3.199986